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Ant Patrol > Posters and Skill Cards

Posters and Skill Cards

The Ant Patrol®  Postersposter hoppy-no bkg

The Ant Patrol® posters are valuable learning tools for homes and classrooms. The posters visually reinforce the learning of key skills introduced throughout The Ant Patrol® Children’s Stories. Each poster includes a self-instructional script that guides a child’s thinking and actions. Skills targeted include helpful self-talk, focused listening, control of ‘bounce’, waiting, helpful thinking, a plan for focused and productive work, social awareness, social perspective taking, and calming routines to help manage anger and worry.

Shop the Ant Patrol® Posters from our online store >

The Posters

Tune In To Focus

Tune In Socially

Joining In

Tune In To Your Body Picture

The Relaxation Routine

The Ant Patrol® Skill Cardscards no bkg-2

The skill cards are a pack of pocket sized cards that include different skills and scenarios. The skill cards are designed to prime a child’s use of skills before entering a specific situation (e.g. homework, in-class writing task or playdate). The scenario cards offer examples of everyday challenges that children face in learning and social situations. Children are encouraged to identify skills that they can use to manage the challenge.

The pack is small enough to fit inside a child’s pocket, pencil case, or desk so that skill prompting is readily available.

The skill cards are currently under development.

A message from Sarge

It’s a flurry of activity in the Ant Patrol nest. While the troops have completed the posters they continue to keep busy painting and cutting skill cards. Use the subscription feature below to stay tuned!

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